What accounts for a decent flat – qualities and features?

A flat is the type of residence that accounts for space that can be of varied sizes at various different locations. It is not only the flat that holds a term in the vocabulary of residences but there are many other buildings and types of spaces which are referred to as or have been given different names because of the way it is, for example – like a flat is different from what a bungalow, house, apartment, castle, cabin, chalet, etc. is. Similarly, all these types are different from each other not just in their terminology but even in the way these are built.

A flat is termed a residence and has many different features. It comes in a varied number of sizes for people to reside in. The size of the house depends on the architecture and also people can decide to buy a particular size or flat depending upon their need of the residential property at the time. The varied and different sizes of a flat are 1 BHK, 2 BHK, 3 BHK, 4 BHK, and even 5 BHK. There are many residential flats in Dehradun – a city known as the capital of winter.

There are many qualities that make a flat to be a decent and a good flat which can be elaborated upon. The extremely important thing or the most primitive thing for a flat to be good if it’s built – the architecture of the building to be strong and well thought of. The architecture of the flat shall enhance the beauty of the space and allow ventilation to take its course. The second most important thing of the flat is the interior design of the flat because that is what makes the bare concrete floor of the flat into something beautiful and presentable. An interior design of the flat changes the whole look of it.

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